Sunday, November 4, 2012

RedState Paradox

RedState Paradox: They are the welfare states in the nation supported by the blue states. But flip-out about false welfare ads. GOP Govs asked for waivers not Dems.

RedState Paradox: They are the hardest hit by drought, floods, heat waves, wildfires, tornados, hurricanes, n blizzards in recent yrs but deny Climate Science.

RedState Paradox: Believers of small government but want Congress to have control of Women’s bodies.

RedState Paradox: Believe Mormonism is a Cult, but won’t support the only Christian Candidate PBO for president.

RedState Paradox: Talk about taking their country back and giving it to a Guy who bets AGAINST America.

RedState Paradox: Loves our Troops but supports the only candidate who REFUSES to mention Our Heroes in debates or convention speech.

RedState Paradox: Majority Working Class yet Romney HAS $ off-shore, outsourced jobs, likes firing ppl n hanging out w/ Corporations.

RedState Paradox: Believe in less Govt spending but want Bush policies back w/ Ryan who voted for 2 wars, drug bill, n tax cuts on CREDIT.

RedState Paradox: Ridicule “Obama Phones” but don’t realize the Lifeline Program for low incomes was started under Pres. Reagan.

RedState Paradox: Applaud Romney’s 47% tape even deriding those ppl but don’t realize they are laughing at themselves.

RedState Paradox: Laugh n Applaud when Romney says “He did build that” but every biz used as example took Govt $ at some point.

RedState Paradox: They “wanna take their country back” RIGHT BACK to the Bush debacle that almost caused a global depression.

RedState Paradox: Complain about Govt NOT working and then send Teapartiers to DC to make sure it STOPPED working.

RedState Paradox: They tried to impeach Clinton for lying, yet Romney has told more verifiable outright bold face lies than any Pol in history of US.

RedState Paradox: They accused the President of Lying, and sent Romney to attack him by lying about his statements. Major Fail.

RedState Paradox: They denounced Todd Akin for “Legitimate Rape.” But chose his Co-Sponsor of Personhood Bills as VP.

RedState Paradox: Tried to fix non-existent voter fraud by committing voter fraud, suppression, and buying voting machines.

RedState Paradox: To make sure “legitimate VOTES” don’t get diluted, passed VOTER ID laws to make some legitimate VOTERS NON-Voters.

RedState Paradox: They know Tax Cuts for the Rich doesn’t work but want to try One more time just to be sure.
RedState Paradox: They  Love to Hate Obama but don’t realize it’s like drinking poison and hoping it kills him.
RedState Paradox: They affirm that all Polls are wrong and Romney will win but We Know, They Know, IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN.

Here's Why:

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