Friday, October 12, 2012

True Cost of the Romney Ryan Budget

Republican Vice-Presidential Nominee, Congressman Paul Ryan is a WONK. A 'wonk' is a person who looks into all the technical details of implementing a political policy; a nerd, a bookworm, a number cruncher, or a politically connected, know-it-all. He is the type of guy who actually reads those hundred- paged bills voted on in Congress. Yes, that Congress, aka the Do-Nothing-Congress. The GOP Tea Party led Congress which voted to repeal ObamaCare also known as The Affordable Care Act some 33 times costing taxpayers $30 million each time. The insanity of that fruitless endeavor is that they knew full well they would not get it passed the Democratic led Senate or the President of these United States, Barack Obama. Remember, he DOES care. No way would he repeal a piece of history that was 100 years in the making. But I digress.

Mr. Ryan. Oh yes. If you want to know how much something will cost taxpayers, he's the guy to ask. (Whether or not he will tell you, depends on who you are.)   He is not only on the Budget Committee; he is the Chairman. He wrote the Path to Prosperity aka The Ryan Budget. It was voted for twice by almost all Republican members in the House of Representatives with again, no chance of becoming law. By choosing to adopt Ryan and his Plan, GOP Presidential Candidate Willard Mitt Romney is hoping that they can sneak into the Whitehouse by confusing the American People. One Big Problem we have a wonk too. 

Former Congressmen, Tom Perriello of Virginia is also a "Wonk." The difference is he explains, rather than confuse you with the numbers. There are a lot of numbers but you can take your time and pause it to digest it in small doses. Use this video to compare and contrast the gobbledygook coming from Mr. Paul Ryan in his debate.

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